Dzikow Stary
The Netherlands
52 minutes
Dzikow stary is the name of a small Polish village where the film-maker’s grandfather was born. In 1938, the latter, then living in Holland returned to Poland to warn his Jewish family of the risks they were running. At the time, he took a photo of the village and its inhabitants. Beyond time, this photography is the main theme for the film-maker’s present quest to rediscover his past and to reconstitute his family scattered throughout the world.
Production :
Rolf Orthel Filmproduction; VPRO Television
Rolf Orthel Filmproduction; VPRO Television
Editing :
Wim Louwrier
Wim Louwrier
Sound :
Dominique Chartrand
Dominique Chartrand
Photography :
Hans Fels
Hans Fels