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Joaquim Pinto
2013 Portugal 164 minutes Portuguese

A filmmaker who is also a leading sound engineer and producer, Joaquim Pinto has been living with HIV and hepatitis for almost twenty years. More than a film diary, E Agora ? Lembra-Me is the picture of a present that co-habits with an archaeology of individual and collective memory — of illness, cinema and Portugal. Here, filming involves not only snatching things and beings from disappearance — not only the living but also the dead, in some kind of resurrection — but also searching for a way of relating to the world. Joaquim Pinto works with an ever-renewed verve that is underpinned by his skilful editing and vast panoply of cinematic resources to convey a vivid and captivating story, full of inventiveness to put life in writing.

Aranud Hée

Joaquim Pinto

Joaquim Pinto seems to reveal, penetrate and thus enable us to see and feel the force-field of a love in a way rarely found in cinema. Then comes the miracle of a sort of contamination, a contagious process, akin to art’s derisory revenge on epidemics, inoculating our gaze with the most intense and reconciliatory of relationships to the other, to nature, to the very substance of a world perpetuating its survival. (Julien Gester)
© Rui Gaudêncio

Production :
Crim Produções
Editing :
Joaquim Pinto; Nuno Leonel
Sound :
Joaquim Pinto; Nuno Leonel
Photography :
Joaquim Pinto; Nuno Leonel
Copy Contact :
Epicentre Films