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El Cielo gira

The Sky Turns
Mercedes Álvarez
2004 Spain 103 minutes Spanish

At La Aldea, in the Soria hills of northern Spain, only 14 villagers remain. Mercedes was the last baby to be born in the village. Accompanied by a painter, who tries to capture light and mist, she discovers numerous traces of history. On the hills, dinosaurs once walked, the Celtibers built farms, the Romans their villas and the Saracens a castle with a tower. The last inhabitants know all the stories and can tell all the legends. Little by little, the present has invaded the landscape: the castle will be converted into a luxury hotel, a hill ridge is spiked with wind farms. On television, news of a distant war rekindle memories of another… a civil war. An election campaign flits on and off the screen. Is the next step a trip to Mars? The painter, who is slowly going blind, begins a new painting.

Production :
José Maria Lara; Jordi Ballo; Alokatu SL
Distribution :
Wanda Films
Editing :
Sol López; Guadalupe Pérez
Sound :
Aurelio Martinez; Amanda Villavieja
Photography :
Alberto Rodriguez

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