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El Diablo de Cumana

John Dickinson
1984 Venezuela 26 minutes Spanish

El diablo de Cumana is part of a series of six films: “Inhabitants of the Land of Grace” , on Caraibbean culture in Venezuela which focuses particularly on the city of Cumana, first Spanish colony in Latin America. On the representatives of this cultural tradition, a crossbreed between European, African and indigenous elements, is Luis del Valle Hurtado who, each year, has been ritually transforming himself into Satan for the last 30 years.

John Dickinson

John Dickinson

Né en 1946 en Argentine.

A réalisé : Molotov Party, 1969, Colectivo 60, 1970, The return of Tom Mix, 1970.

Pour la television : Charlot va au théâtre, Angelica Caporass, la Forge (documentaire).

A travaillé également comme caméraman, ingénieur du son, et sur divers films et industriels.

Production :
John Dickinson
Distribution :
Documentary Educational Resources (D.E.R.)
Editing :
Carlos Gonzalez
Sound :
Stefano Gramitto
Photography :
Miquel Nazario

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