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Entre Père et Fils

Ara Sahiner
2002 United States; France 53 minutes Armenian

Shahnur Sahiner lives in Istanbul. Although a doctor by profession, he has dedicated his whole life to teaching the Armenian history and language. His memory holds a mine of information but, since the age of eighty, his memory has begun to dwindle. His son Ara, the filmmaker, lives in Boston and pays his father regular visits. As for Ara’s son Norvan, he has settled in Paris. What the filmmaker set out to do was fight against this forgetting, observe and faithfully record the passing of time. How can one preserve the memory of these brief meetings between father and son? The many trips between Paris and Istanbul? How is it possible to make the past and the idea one has of it into something tangible? What can a person really remember when he is no longer able to recognise his own children? A search for identity, inspired not only by the Armenian cultural heritage, but also by the shock of seeing the hours mercilessly fleeing past.

Ara Sahiner

Né à Istanbul en 1953 de parents arméniens, il émigre en France en 1972. En 1984, il quitte la France pour les Etats-Unis où il obtient une maîtrise en production. Il travaille ensuite dans le domaine des médias en tant que directeur, réalisateur et producteur. En 1996, il est à l’origine de la conception de la chaîne éducative de télévision Annenberg/CPB au sein de laquelle il agit à titre de producteur exécutif et réalisateur. Entre père et fils, 2002, produit à titre personnel, marque une nouvelle étape dans sa carrière.

Production :
Ara Sahiner
Editing :
Ara Sahiner
Sound :
Ara Sahiner
Photography :
Ara Sahiner

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