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Esperando a la Virgen

Vincent Martorana
2007 France 27 minutes Spanish

Each December, tens of thousands of Mexicans come together to honour their “Queen”, the Virgin of Guadalupe. This pilgrimage is what gives the film its visual and musical material, but under the surface an invisible tragedy is unfolding. Death is playing dice with the life of a man, the narrator who is supposedly filming the pilgrimage. Whilst the mass of pilgrims crowd around their Queen’s feet to ask for health and good fortune, the narrator accompanies them with no other wish than to avert the departure of his lover and affirm his intention to end his days. (Yann Lardeau)

Production :
Daï Films
Editing :
Nicolas Bilder; Susana Rossberg
Sound :
Vincent Martorana
Photography :
Vincent Martorana

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