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Kersti Uibo
1994 Estonia 45 minutes Estonian

Throughout the tribulations of a hard-tried country, the Lutheran pastor, Evald Saag, has managed to keep his intellectual, moral and spiritual independence, thanks to his deep-rooted attachment to the old farm where he would go to regain strength, leaving the town behind him. His wife Emmi helps him in his work, showing a tenderness that makes his ill health bearable and draws them even closer together.

Kersti Uibo

Etudie à l’Université de Moscou (Langues), puis à l’Université de Londres (Histoire).

Formation à la réalisation documentaire à la National Film and Television School – Grande-Bretagne.

A réalisé : Heart Song, 1991 – Diva vannis (Diva in the Bath), 1993 – Evaldimaa (Les Arpents d’Evald), 1994 – Kitsas on väräs (Narrow is the Gate), 2002 – Vaikelu naisega, 2006

Production :
Kersti Uibo
Distribution :
National Film and Television School
Editing :
Soren Ebbe
Sound :
Kersti Uibo
Photography :
Pentti Keskimäki

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