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Exiles of Love

Toby Kalitowski
1992 United Kingdom 27 minutes English

“Watching Genet’s film Un chant d’amour and reading the novels and plays, it struck me how expressions of beauty and desire were inseparable from a “darkness” or violence. This prompted a documentary, not about Genet but about this “dark” quality in contemporary gay desire”. Interviews, which include Derek Jarman are intercut with scenes inspired by Genet’s work. (Toby Kalitowski)

Toby Kalitowski

Né en Grande-Bretagne en 1963. Etudes d’anthropologie à l’Université. Travaille sur de nombreux films : réalise des commandes pour le Royal Opera House Covent Garden, des documentaires d’art et des courts métrages de fiction.

Production :
Toby Kalitowski
Editing :
Toby Kalitowski
Sound :
Martine Coucke; Mark Pearson
Photography :
Martine Coucke; Mark Pearson; Belinda Parsons

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