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Filles de nos mères

Séverine Mathieu
2001 France 100 minutes French

Spanning three generations, the women in my family let me film them and root out the hidden side of our relationships. From mother to daughter, from them to me. “- You were a mother who suffered’ – It was not intentional! And yet, as a child and teenager, I rejected that image. – You left home very early. – Yes, at 12 years old, I rejected the image of my mother who accepted everything… the image of the local women who were always complaining’ Have I reproduced that? If so, it’s because women’s condition boils down to that! (We laugh) No, I don’t think so. But yet it’s something that’s got into our way of thinking and comes from way back. And we had to… Maybe the generation after us, your generation, or even that of my young sisters, maybe something radically changed with the girls who said ‘That’s enough’!’ – But why didn’t you say that? And why did they? – Ask them'”

Séverine Mathieu

Née en 1968. Suit des études littéraires à l’Université Paris VII, puis réalise un moyen métrage de fiction (Vue du Pont). Elle travaille également pour la télévision (Qu’est-ce qu’elle dit Zazie ?) et signe plusieurs documentaires parmi lesquels : • Les cavaliers de Saumur, 2001 • L’avenir partagé ATD quart monde, 2001 • Filles de nos mères, 2001

Production :
24 images; Corto Pacific
Editing :
Claire Atherton
Sound :
Eric Lesachet
Photography :
Jérôme Colin

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