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Film en audiodescription – Champ de batailles

Film in audiodescription - Field of Battles
Edie Laconi
2017 France 100 minutes French

Engaged in child protection work, the parenting centre welcomes mothers and fathers who feel ill at ease in their role as parents. In a place where feeling and emotions run high, there is a fine line between protection and constraint, advice and admonition, reparation and separation. While two young girls are trying to learn motherhood, rebelliously at times, a couple agrees to have their child placed in foster care.

Edie Laconi

Edie Laconi is a film author and director. Champ de batailles ; Les petites mains ; L’Esquimaude ; Les perdants n’écrivent pas l’Histoire, co-directed with Frédéric Fichefet…

Production :
Matthieu de Laborde
Distribution :
Matthieu de Laborde
Editing :
Charlotte Tourrès
Sound :
Xavier Griette et Denis Guilhem
Photography :
Edie Laconi

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