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Fin de Siglo

Marilyn Watelet
Szymon Zaleski
1994 Belgium 54 minutes Spanish

During the “special period” following the collapse of the Socialist camp and the American embargo, Fin de Siglo, the department store in Havana is a typical illustration of Cuba’s problems. “If someone wants to buy a shirt, we have to fight to get hold of one. And if there aren’t any shirts in stock, we have to see to it that the customer is properly looked after”, says Alfredo, the director. The establishment has created an exemplary system to deal, as best it can, with the problems of hypothetical supplies and customers’ expectations. Standing among the empty shelves, the shop assistants explain the mysteries of the appointment and coupon system, thanks to which deserving workers and young married couples will be able to acquire the few articles available. The day-to-day running of the store and the trade-union and personnel meetings help give the picture of the relationships created by the system and the new tensions generated within Cuban society.

Production :
RTBF; Paradise Films
Distribution :
Documentaire sur Grand Ecran
Editing :
André Delvaux
Sound :
Thierry Massin
Photography :
Jean-Claude Neckelbrouck

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