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Aleksandr Gutman
2002 Russia; Germany 96 minutes Armenian

Armenia and tragedy are two, almost inseparable words, even in recent history. Sorely hit in 1988 by an earthquake that left tens of thousands dead, the town of Giumri still bears the scars. Yet the authorities of the new independent republic are unable to deal with the consequences. Young 13-year-old Varuzh, lives with his grandmother and often skips school to spend time in the local cemetery, in the world of Garlik, the gravedigger, the masons and Father Tatuk, the priest. They share the joys and sufferings of the christenings, the funerals, the church services and the small events that rhythm their work. A poem of images, that moves towards hope, caught between a painful past and a future to be built.

Aleksandr Gutman

Diplomé de l’Institut de Cinéma de Moscou, réalisateur, chef opérateur, scénariste et producteur. A réalisé plus de 50 documentaires et enseigné dans différentes universités, en Europe et aux Etats-Unis.

Marathon, 1973 • Meet the queen, 1975 • Snow Fantasy, 1978 • Olimpic games-80, 1981 • Hellow and goodbye, volleyball, 1983 • Russians have gone, 1991 • Up to the neck or bodybuilding, 1997 • Winton Marsalis in Russia, 1999 • Three days and never again, 2001

Production :
Atelier-Films-Alexander; T&G films
Distribution :
T&G films
Editing :
Aleksandr Gutman
Sound :
Sergueï Litviakov
Photography :
Aleksandr Gutman; Sergej Skvorzov; N. Volkov; A. Bourov

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