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Für den Ernstfall

In Case of Emergency
Knut Karger
2006 Germany 43 minutes German

In The Penultimate Truth, Philip K. Dick imagines that the population, after spending fifteen years holed up in atomic bunkers, resurface to discover that the war had never happened and that they had been manipulated at will by a power practising falsehood as its governing principle. The film conveys the opposite scenario: during the Cold War, and still today, normal life continues for West Germans above a hidden, underground world, their society’s opaque double. This is the parallel world of civil defence. It is hard to say which of these two gigantic simulacra is the crazier. One is nothing more than fiction, the other a reality that must be managed day in day out, just in case… (Yann Lardeau)

Knut Karger

Knut Karger a fait des études de cinéma à la Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film de Munich, et depuis 2003 exerce les métiers de monteur et de réalisateur.

Il a réalisé :

Onomatopoeia, 2006 (cm)

Peter Zeitlinger- Die Kamera ist das

Fenster zur Welt, (co-réal. Boris

Tomschiczek), 2005 (doc.)

Flüchtend über Stock und Stein (coréal.

Boris Tomschiczek), 2005,87

Production :
Luethje & Schneider Filmproduktion
Editing :
Ursula Scheid; Knut Karger
Sound :
Boris Tomschizek; David Vogel
Photography :
Petra Wallner

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