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Gaza, l’enfermement

Ram Loevy
2001 France; Israel 52 minutes Arabic; Hebrew

A prison with one million inmates; that’s how the people of the Gaza Strip regard their land. Gaza is an area of 288 square kilometers surrounded by electrified fences. Lacking natural resources and being one of the poorest places on earth, Gaza is dependent on the ties with Israel, its enemy. Since 1991 it has become increasingly difficult for Palestinian workers to cross into Israel. Made by an Israeli and Palestinian crew, the film shows the nerve-racking process of getting people and goods in and out, and the growing frustration and deprivation of the local population. The film also presents the different Israeli viewpoints. In this never-ending conflict, is it possible to see and hear things as they are?

Ram Loevy

Né en 1940. Il a réalisé de nombreuses fictions et documentaires pour la télévision israélienne, PBS et Channel 4. Depuis 1972 il enseigne dans plusieurs écoles de cinéma en Israël. Il crée sa compagnie de production Ram Loevy Communications en 1999. A notamment réalisé les documentaires : • Bread, 1986 •Le film qui n’a jamais existé, 1994 • Notes sur une montagne d’ordures, 2000 • Gaza, l’enfermement, 2001

Production :
Ram Loevy Communications; Lapsus
Distribution :
Doc & Co
Editing :
Dan Shik
Sound :
Jamal Abu Nakel; Aharon Yosi
Photography :
Gady Afriat; Nagib Abu-Gobain

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