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Giac mo la cong nhan

Worker's Dreams
Thao Tran Phuong
2006 Vietnam 58 minutes Vietnamese

Each morning, thousands of country girls who have come to seek their fortune in Hanoi set out on foot from the suburbs wending their way through the cars and motorcycles. They are off to work or in search of a job in the El Dorado of the booming Japanese-run factories. Neither the sinister picture these young women paint of globalisation, nor their ordeals dampen their determination or their appetite for life. Convinced of their rights and strengthened by their sense of justice, they set out to conquer this globalised world with their indignation, an unshakeable confidence and a certain mischievousness. (Yann Lardeau)

Thao Tran Phuong

Phuong Thao Tran, née en1977, a fait des études d’Economie à Hanoï, de Sciences Politiques à Paris, et en 2004, un DESS de réalisation documentaire à l’université de Poitiers. Elle est traductrice de films depuis dix ans. Rêves d’ouvrières est son premier film réalisé au Vietnam. Elle a réalisé :
Affaires de femmes, 18 min, 2004, (doc.)
Histoire d’un hasard, 10 min, 2004
Elle, elles, 10 min, 2006 (doc. sonore)­¬«Ì

Production :
Ateliers Varan
Editing :
Aurélie Ricard
Photography :
Thao Tran Phuong

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