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Gotteszell – Ein Frauengefängnis

Gotteszell - A Woman's Prison
Helga Reidemeister
2001 Germany 103 minutes German

In individual interviews, the film sketches portraits of six women confined in prison. The inmates report on their lives before their internment, on their stance towards the act they committed, on everyday life in jail and the resulting difficulties, such as being separated from their children. The common thread in the biographies of the imprisoned women are the threats and injuries they have suffered… an inimaginable violence endured over many years. The penal institution is represented by four female officials. They talk about their daily confrontation with the inmates, about their institution, about the question of guilt. Several statements by correction officers reveal that they harbour sympathy on a human level, for these women criminals, whilst rejecting the crimes as such.

Production :
Helga Reidemester Filmproduktion; Bayerischer Rundfunk; SWR Südwestrundfunk
Distribution :
Basis Film Verleih
Editing :
Dörte Völz-Mammarella
Sound :
Nic Nagel; Annegret Fricke
Photography :
Sophie Maintigneux; Sabine Hackenberg

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