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Great Longstone

Fiona Adams
1994 United Kingdom 17 minutes English

An impressionist painting of Great Longstone in Derbyshire. In the centre of the village, at the café-grocery shop and at the butcher’s, the people pass by, meet and exchange news. The eternal charm of the English countryside: old photographs showing the village as it appears today, nothing or virtually nothing has changed. But snatches of conversation evoke the evolution of the inhabitants’ different interests and concerns.

Fiona Adams

Diplômée de la Northern Media School. A débuté comme photographe, puis travaillé comme producteur de clips à Londres, puis sur diverses productions. Un film avec BBC Scotland est en cours de réalisation. A réalisé :

– Ruby Grierson, Re-Shooting History, 1994 – Great Longstone, 1994

Production :
Northern Media School
Editing :
Maggie Bowler
Sound :
Graham Porter
Photography :
Simon Poutter

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