Het is een schone dag geweest
Quelle belle journée !
The Netherlands
70 minutes
For generations, the sons had taken over the family farm; But Willem retires without a successor. As a last tribute “to his father who gave him his love of the land, and to his mother from whom he received his love for the cinema”, Jos, the son, in 1992, filmed his father’s work, his gestures, the final harvest, the cattle auction, many facets of everyday life, the very eloquent silences punctuating conversations about yesterday’s and tomorrow’s weather. Winter fog and summer fertility, breakfast time and fishing parties, a sorrowful goodbye to the flat country and to a way of life which is disappearing in the Netherlands as in the rest of Europe.
Production :
Stichting Dieptescherpte
Stichting Dieptescherpte
Distribution :
Filmmuseum Distributie; Documentaire sur Grand Ecran
Filmmuseum Distributie; Documentaire sur Grand Ecran
Editing :
Nathalie Alonso Casale; Rjekje Ziengs
Nathalie Alonso Casale; Rjekje Ziengs
Sound :
Paul Veld; Martijn Van Haalen
Paul Veld; Martijn Van Haalen
Photography :
Stef Tijdink; Melle van Essen
Stef Tijdink; Melle van Essen