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Hors les murs

Out of Bounds
Pierre Barougier
Alexandre Leborgne
2005 France 82 minutes English

Founded by the American colonial administration in 1904, Iwahig prison in the Philippines is an openair penal colony covering 38,000 hectares of jungle and coastland. After a probationary period, long-term prisoners are allowed to become farmers, fishermen or wardens, as the prison is self-supporting and self-managed. The “lifers” families organise their own community existence. Alejandro will soon be released. As “mayor” of the 2,300 prisoners, he acts as an experienced mentor for various inmates, such as Toting the fisherman or Rodrigo, a domestic that rebels against his boss, a violent warden. In the prison court, Alejandro acts as the prisoners’ lawyer, since he knows about everything that is going on. When he is finally released, he starts life all over again with his reconquered rights and a feeling of dignity.

Pierre Barougier

Pierre Barougier est cinéaste et chef opérateur, diplômé de l’Ecole Louis Lumière. Il a réalisé :

Radio la Colifata, 52 mn, 2001

Gauchos, un jour de fête, 26 mn, 2002

Désirs d’école, 52 mn, 2004b

Production :
Alexandre Leborgne; Cap Films; Zarafa
Distribution :
Cap Films
Editing :
Jean Condé
Sound :
Olivier Cuinat
Photography :
Pierre Barougier

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