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Amos Gitai
1980 Israel 51 min Languages: English, Arabic, French, Hebrew

Abandoned during the 1948 war by its owner, a Palestinian doctor, a house in West-Jerusalem is requisitioned by the Israeli government as “vacant”; rented to Jewish Algerian immigrants in 1956; purchased by a university professor who undertakes its transformation…

Amos Gitai

Amos Gitai, born in 1950 in Haifa, Israel, was studying architecture, following in his father’s footsteps, when the Yom Kippur War interrupted his studies. He started using a small Super-8 camera during his helicopter missions. He then became a filmmaker.
Amos Gitai has produced an extraordinarily varied body of work in which he explores the history of the Middle East and his own biography through the recurring themes of exile and utopia.
After the controversy that arose from the broadcast of Journal de campagne Gitai moved to Paris in 1983, where he worked for ten years on documentaries such as Ananas and Brand New Day. In the 1990s, following the election of Yitzhak Rabin as Prime Minister, Gitai returned to settle in Haifa. This was the beginning of the most fertile period of his career.
In ten years, he directed nearly fifteen films, both fiction and documentary. News from Home / News from House (2005) continues the investigation into the history of a West Jerusalem house and its inhabitants, to which he had already devoted two films, House in 1980 and A House in Jerusalem in 1998.

Production :
Agav Films
Photography :
Emanuel Aldema
Sound :
Oded Hornik
Editing :
Rina Ben Melech
Print source :
Rachel Henig -