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I am no longer afraid

Leïla Porcher
Sarah Guillemet
2019 France 72 min

In the mountains between Iraq and Iran, two Kurdish women, Helia and Sama, decide to enroll in guerrilla training to confront the violence they had experienced in Iran. In the party’s camp at Komala, they began their political and military training alongside 20 male comrades. Caught between aspirations for freedom and disillusion, desires of rebellion and home-sickness, the women learn the hard way that carrying a weapon does not lead to certain freedom. But far beyond the fighter’s apprenticeship, the training gives back to these bruised people the capacity to act, to find a voice, think and speak for themselves. Their commitment allows them to find their emancipation, regain a dignity that has been trampled, and impose their existence on the Iranian state.

Production :
Les Productions du Lagon, Sister Productions
Photography :
Leïla Porcher
Sound :
Sarah Guillemet
Editing :
Jeanne Oberson
Music :
Léa Platini, Thomas Bourgeois
Print contact :
Les Productions du Lagon,, Sister Productions,

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