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Lucky Draw
Jelena Jovcic
2004 Serbia and Montenegro 23 minutes Serbian

In Belgrade, in Jelena’s family, three generations live under the same roof. Jelena is 27 and wants to leave. The flat is perhaps not so tiny but she feels hemmed in. Her father is reluctant to give her money for rent elsewhere and his only reply is to joke. Her grandmother apparently supports her but remains silent. Her mother cuts out the coupons from the back of coffee packets. The brand has organised a lottery and if she wins the jackpot – it’s a promise Jelena will take her independence…

Jelena Jovcic

Artiste plasticienne, elle a participe a de nombreuses expositions. Elle a egalement travaille comme journaliste de television et de radio. Elle est chargee de travaux dfecriture et dforganisation pour des expositions, festivals et journaux culturels.Igra est son premier film.

Production :
Ateliers Varan
Editing :
Aleksandar Stojanov
Sound :
Srdjan Keca; Barbara Tolevska; David Solomon; Stanislav Tomic; Radosav Petrovic; Marija Asanovic
Photography :
Jelena Jovcic

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