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Irish Ways

Arthur MacCaig
1989 France 53 minutes English

“Irish Ways” is a voyage into a European war : the conflict in the north of Ireland which has opposed Irish nationalists and the British Army for the past 20 years now. It is a war seen from the interior, through the eyes and the emotions of various protagonists, men and women, directly implicated in the Irish troubles. Here for the first time, members of the IRA, past and present, and unmasked, talk of their experiences.

Arthur MacCaig

Né à New York en 1978 et mort à Belfast en 2008. Etudes d’anthropologie à Hawai, puis de cinéma à l’Idhec.
A réalisé, entre autres :
– Patriot Game, 1979
– Euskadi hors d’état, 1984
– Irish Ways, 1989
– Terreur d’Etat au Pays Basque, 2000

Production :
F. Productions
Distribution :
F. Productions
Editing :
Dominique Greussay
Sound :
Frédéric Grémeaux
Photography :
Jean-Marie Pillas

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