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J’habite un laboratoire

2010 France 10 minutes French

« I am the enemy within. I live in a laboratory. A space limited by the strict dimensions of an experiment. An over-populated cell, penetrated at the periphery by daylight and money. A few hectares of ancient fields hemmed in by walls covered with cold alfalfa cement, imprisoned inside the lanes of a motorway, surrounded by planted towers which celebrate the glorious architecture of the cage. I am living in a hidden recess which cannot be seen by ordinary pedestrians. A purulent hearth of racial concentration. A meeting-point for men forced to work for low pay. An extreme example of that way of life sub-humans must learn to accept, obliged as they are to live there for as long as the guns of the police force permit, even to die quickly because they sweat quickly. » Hamé, 2009 (traduction Brad Stevens).

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