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Joanes Gesetz

Dobrivoie Kerpenisan
1993 Germany 50 minutes Rumanian

“It was nostalgia that motivated us to make the film, nostalgia which stemmed from Dobrivoie’s childhood memories of a Romanian village in which he grew up and in which from a child’s point of view everything was in harmony. Two decades later much has changed. Industrialization, technology and the concept of western modernization have altered what was once an agricultural community. The film depicts the life of people in the village and in town. The people and places remain anonymous and verbal information is kept to a minimum. The shooting period lasted from January to the end of March so the setting is enveloped by snow and the coldness of winter. In this way the film mirrors the sense of being lost and a state of darkness. An atmosphere that seems to dominate the country”.

Production :
Dobrivoie Kerpenisan; WDR
Editing :
Dominique Andreas Faix
Sound :
Milovan Avramov
Photography :
Dominique Andreas Faix

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