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Julie, itinéraire d’une enfant du siècle

Dominique Gros
1995 France 78 minutes French

“Julie-Andrée’s Hungarian father was a contortionist, her Basque mother, formerly a catch-wrestler, now teaches yoga. After living in the marginal world of fairground shows and cabaret, Julie was confined to a mental home, then admitted to the La Borde nursing home. Later on, she has modeled, written poetry and had a programme on Radio Nova. Now she is out of the tunnel, Julie refuses any form of sarcasm and wants, in her own way, to reinforce her links with a society for which she represents an authentic and fragile witness (…) The film is the result of our joint wishes, since Julie showed the same commitment to the project as I did as filmmaker (…) Envisaging a film capable of treating these documentary problems needed time. Not only in order to be as close as possible to the person filmed (…), but also in order to trace and organise a story, time for sedimentation, in the sense that “what is natural is chaotic”, as Arthur Schnitzler said.” (D. Gros)

Dominique Gros

Réalisatrice depuis 1983. Boursière de la “Villa hors les murs”. Sa première mise en scène de fiction est une adaptation de la pièce de Marguerite Yourcenar Le dialogue dans le marécage. En 1999 elle commence l’écriture d’une pièce de théâtre (Aux Bons Soins), en cours de production avec France Culture pour 2002. A entre autres réalisé : • Simone et Jacqueline, 1983 • Camping, 1984 • La mort du bœuf, 1986 • Travailler à domicile, 1987 • Antoine Vitez, 1989 • Août 39, 1989 • Théâtre à l’étude, 1991 • Dialogue dans le marécage, 1992 • Correspondance, 1993 • Julie, itinéraire d’une enfant du siècle, 1995 • Amours adolescentes, 1999 • Il était une fois des Conteurs, 2000

Production :
BFC Production; Ina; Sept Arte
Editing :
Paul Morris
Sound :
Laurent Malan; Corinne Gigon
Photography :
Jacques Pamart

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