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Kafr Qar’a, Israël

Nurith Aviv
1988 France; Germany 66 minutes Arabic; Hebrew

Israeli Arabs remain an ill known component of the Palestinian people as well as being the rarely mentioned other side of Israeli society, since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 – today, they number around 750 000 Muslims, Christians and Druze and represent 17 percent of Israel’s total population. The majority of them Israeli citizens, they want to remain Israeli even in the context of an independant Palestinian state neighbouring Israel. Images of daily life in the village of Kafr Qar’a (8500 Muslims, and some 60 kilometres from Tel Aviv) alternate with conversations with people of different generations. A tentative portrait of what the Arab-Israeli identity could be.

Production :
Cinétévé; ZDF; La Sept
Editing :
Sabine Mamou
Sound :
Daniel Ollivier
Photography :
Nurith Aviv

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