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Kenya Boran

David MacDougall
1974 United States 66 minutes Boran

In the midst of a traditional herding territory, a growing town and a new road encroach upon a once-isolated desert people. The complexities brought about by this modernization are shown as two fathers and their sons confront difficult choices between old ways and new. The second part of the film focuses on the life of Peter Boru, a sixteen-year-old former herdsboy who has become a boarding school student. Peter’s life is juxtaposed to a traditional herdsboy, Dokata. The question, “Education for what?” is posed when both tradition and modern forces common to developing areas make the economic outlook bleak for young people, even if they are able to complete local educational requirements.

David MacDougall

D’origine américaine, vit aujourd’hui en Australie.

Production :
American Universities Field Staff
Distribution :
Documentary Educational Resources (D.E.R.)
Editing :
James Blue; David MacDougall
Sound :
James Blue
Photography :
David MacDougall

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