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Kid Chocolate

Gerardo Chijona
1987 Cuba 20 minutes Spanish

“Remembering is to return to life, and I, I live with my memories”, says Kid Chocolate on the eve of his 80th birthday, recalling his dazzling carrer as a professional boxer in North America. Cuba’s most famous boxer, now no longer alive, tells us his feelings about sports, fame, friendship, money, women, in short, his philosophy of life.

Gerardo Chijona

Production :
I.C.A.I.C. Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográficos
Distribution :
I.C.A.I.C. Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográficos
Editing :
Gladys Cambre
Sound :
Leonardo Sorrell
Photography :
Julio Valdes

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