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Komi, Horata

Petar Popzlatev
1985 Bulgaria 34 minutes Bulgarian

For the last 17 years, Bulgarian woodcutters have left their families to go and work in the forests of the far north of the soviet union. They have built villages there and set up a social order. The episodes and interviews in this film show us this isolated and little- known society and help us to understand the individual problems it creates.

Petar Popzlatev

Né en 1953. Etudes de cinéma à Paris-Vaugirard. A travaillé plusieurs années à la télévision bulgare.

Actuellement cinéaste indépendant.

A réalisé :

Trouden Izbor (Un choix difficile), 1984.

Il prérare actuellement un film sur Yannis Ritsos.

Production :
Studio Globus
Editing :
Slavka Slavova
Sound :
Guéorgui Penkov
Photography :
Emil Christov

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