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Kor och människor

Christoph Michold
1998 Sweden 29 minutes Swedish

Birches and swallows, cows and calves grazing… The farmers open landscape is honoured while the work on small farms is seen as primitive and old fashioned. Svea and Gustav are the last farmers in a small village in the north of Sweden. What is he thinking, the old farmer, when he sees his fields overgrown ? And what will happen to his cows ? On television they promise modern and better times to come… but out there the forest is taking back meadows and houses. A melancholic film of a culture and a landscape that soon will be gone.

Christoph Michold

Né en Allemagne, il a grandi dans le nord de la Suède où il a étudié la production et la réalisation de films. Depuis il a réalisé des courts métrages et des documentaires dont : •Väntsal (Salle d’attente), 1988 • Semester (Semestre), 1989 • Kallad till stillhet (Appelé à la sérénité), 1989 • Barlejon – hur gör dom ? (Piliers de bar – Comment font-ils ?), 1990 • Trapp (Cage d’escalier), 1991 • Rosen (La rose), 1992 • Livet pa jorden (La vie sur terre), 1994 • Kor och människor, 1998

Production :
SVT Sveriges Television; Idé Flm Felixson
Editing :
Christoph Michold
Photography :
Niklas Nyberg

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