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L’ Arrière-pays

Guy Olivier
1989 France 45 minutes French

Here, in the heights of the Haute Saône, in the Southern Vosges mountains remain a few peasants who are called : the high people. An angel looks at them. Wide-eyed, open-mouthed, wings spread-out. He’d like to stay on, but his wings are caught in a massive tempest unleashed from paradise, and he cannot fold them… We call this tempest progress. In the near future, when the milkman comes no longer at night to collect milk from their farms, the high people will disappear.” (Guy Olivier)

Guy Olivier

Né en 1939 dans les Alpes Maritimes. Diplômé de l’IDHEC en 1961-1962, il réalise depuis 1971 des documentaires pour la télévision dans des séries comme La leçon de musique, Contre-enquête, Grand’mères, La Saga des Français. Il a également écrit et réalisé deux films de fiction.

Production :
JBA Production; Sept; France 3
Distribution :
JBA Production; Doc & Co
Editing :
Christian Lack
Sound :
François Demorand
Photography :
Ned Burgess

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