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L’Heure de la piscine

Valérie Winckler
1995 France 26 minutes French

Crossing over from childhood into adolescence. Discussions beside the swimming pool, a vantage point for observing life. The water reveals hangups, fears, excitement, blossomings. Confidential exchanges. A new and rather clunsy body hampered by a voice just breaking, breasts just forming… The crossover from childhood to adolescence is full of hestitation, turning back, spreading ones wings… (Valérie Winckler).

Production :
Trans Europe Film; Canal +
Distribution :
Documentaire sur Grand Ecran
Editing :
Véronique Lebars
Sound :
Michel Martin
Photography :
Valérie Winckler; Anne-Claire Molcard; Henri Alliet

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Patrice Dubosc
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