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L’ Oiseau sans pattes

Bird Without Feet
Valérianne Poidevin
2011 France; Switzerland 65 minutes French

Valérianne Poidevin’s uncle is thrice “different from the others”: from the rest of the family, which has no other lorry driver in its bourgeois ranks; from his colleagues, very few of whom tune their cab radios to France Culture; from workers in general, who seldom prefer, as he does, to work part-time. By setting off in the cabin of his uncle’s lorry for an intimist road movie, the filmmaker tries out a tactical approach. His naive questions and his way of adapting to life in the sleeper-cabin and accepting his uncle’s sarcasm with a smile create, en route, a tenderly comic duo. On his days off at home, the uncle unveils the other side of his cabin: a bedroom-cum-library harbouring the aborted futures of his younger days as a drama student at the Cours Simon. The metaphoric “bird without legs” in Tennessee Williams’ Orpheus Descending, in which he acted when he was twenty, infuses a light melancholy into this affectionate Two for the Road.

Production :
Émilie Blézat; Elena Tatti; Sciapode; Box Productions
Editing :
Juliette Kempf
Photography :
Valérianne Poidevin
Copy Contact :
Box Productions

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