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La drum

Simona Bealcovschi
1997 Romania 43 minutes Rumanian

In March 1997, a shepherd herding a flock of sheep was robbed and murdered in a forest. His body was later found by his son. Through an investigative approach to this news item, the film penetrates the closed and archaic world of the Carpathian shepherds who, each winter, accompany their flocks and sheepdogs over thousands of miles. For seven months, they leave their villages, then set out on the return journey covering over thirty kilometres a day, sleeping out in their strange loose-fitting greatcoats. In the biting cold and the lashing rain, their solitude is immense and along this ‘sheep trail’ there lurk many dangers-robbers, wild animals…

Simona Bealcovschi

Etudes de lettres à Cluj (Roumanie) à Bucarest et de cinéma à l’Insas à Bruxelles, spécialisée en anthropologie visuelle. Co–fondatrices du Studio Astra Film Sibiu et co–organisatrice du Festival du Film Anthropologique de Sibiu, elle travaille régulièrement pour la télévision et le cinéma documentaire. Entre 1993 et 1998, elle a co–réalisé avec Dumitru Budrala :

• La livèche, 1994 • L’art de la restauration, 1994 • L’art allemand de Transylvanie, 1995 • L’iconostase, 1995 • La foire, 1996 • Sur la route, 1997

Production :
Fundatia Antropologie vizuale; Astra Film Studio
Distribution :
Astra Film Studio
Editing :
Simona Bealcovschi
Sound :
Dumitru Budrala
Photography :
Dumitru Budrala

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