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La Fumigation de Boyangi – Yakpata guérisseur pygmée

François Gaulier
1988 France 8 minutes no words

Akungu, a Pygmy camp in the heart of a banana plantation in the Central African Republic. A baby is wracked by feverish convulsions. Yakpata, the medicine man uses friction and plant fumigation accompanied by incantations to forest spirits to cure the baby. Only then does the baby accept his mothers’ milk.

François Gaulier

Né en 1955.

A réalisé

– L’abaque de Régnier

– L’état des lieux

– Paris Genève Stuttgart

– 45 tours de jazz

– Banlieue enceintes

– Attention chantier

Production :
CNRS Images; Lacito Langues et civilisations à tradition orale; Cathode vidéo
Editing :
Alain Epelboin
Sound :
Alain Epelboin
Photography :
Alain Epelboin

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