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La Isla de los niños perdidos

Florence Jaugey
2001 Nicaragua 82 minutes Spanish

“Aged twenty, fights, drugs and death are part of their lives. Lives reduced to the limits of their barrio, a world with its own laws and where there is little room for hope. (…) They have been condemned because they broke our laws. Even though they now regret their acts, the price to pay is much higher than they ever imagined, with some prison sentences stretching out thirty years. They again find themselves in a world of outcasts where survival is the only law around. We spent two months in Nicaragua’s largest prison, together with ten young inmates who took part in our video workshop. We gave them cameras, a bit of technical advice and, with the authorities’ agreement, they were left free to make their own films inside the prison. We accompanied them throughout the workshop, whilst our own camera captured what was happening around us and between them.” (Florence Jaugey)

Florence Jaugey

Née en 1959, à Nice, étudie le théâtre à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre. De 1979 à 1989, elle travaille comme comédienne. En 1990, au Nicaragua, elle monte avec Frank Pineda, cinéaste nicaraguayen, une maison de production Camila Films et produit et réalise différents courts métrages et documentaires. De 1993 à 1995, elle travaille à Mexico à l’école de cinéma CCC, et enseigne le théâtre. Elle a réalisé entre autres : • Retrato de La Paz (Portrait de La Paz), 1990 • La hora de los generales (L’heure des généraux), 1992 • Voces y visiones (Voix et visions), 1995 • El que todo lo puede (Celui qui peut tout), 1997 • Cinéma Alcazar, 1997 • El día que me quieras, 1999 • La Isla de los ninos perdidos, 2001

Production :
Camila Films
Distribution :
CASdB Centre Audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir
Editing :
Gerardo Arce
Sound :
Armando Moreira
Photography :
Frank Pineda

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