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La mort vient sans prévenance

Jean-Charles Hue
2020 France 16 min French

Fred, a 30-year-old gypsy traveller, wakes up at home in the midst of bloody sheets after a long night spent running from the police. He finds his son with a young raclo (non-gypsy) and his wife and young daughter; all of them realise that Fred has been hit by bullets and that he is well and truly dead but is refusing to leave the world of the living. Each of them takes in this news with apprehension or compassion, but all of them are secretly waiting for Fred to tread the path that will allow him to accept the inescapable truth.

Production :
Les Films d'Avalon, Same Player
Photography :
Jean-Charles Hue
Editing :
Jean-Charles Hue
Contact copy :
Les Films d'Avalon -

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