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La Raison du plus fort

Patric Jean
2002 France; Belgium 85 minutes French

Instead of fighting poverty, they fight the poor. Following the American example, Europe is increasingly polarised into wealthy residential districts and poor suburbs where “zero tolerance” is becoming the rule. A prison is built, as a factory closes. The poor in general and more particularly the youngsters of immigrant descent raise all kinds of fears. Crossing to the other side of the mirror and breaking all preconceptions, this film shows them from a humane point of view, be it in a prison cell, in a courtroom box, the cellar of a high-rise block of flats. It conveys their emotions, their wishes, their fears and despair. Shooting examples in France and Belgium, the film takes a critical and moving look at a sometimes sordid society. Our own-far from the image of a European democracy in which each has an equal chance. “What a curious age? What are we doing? Have we lost our heads?”

Patric Jean

Né en 1968, Patric Jean a grandi au Borinage dans la région de Mons, en Belgique. Après des études de théâtre et de lettres, il entre en classe de réalisation cinéma à l’Insas. Après deux courts-métrages, il a réalisé Les Enfants du Borinage— Lettre à Henri Storck, 1999 ; Traces, 2000 ; La Raison du plus fort, 2002

Production :
RTBF; Arte France; Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles; Lapsus
Distribution :
WIP Wallonie image Production
Editing :
Nathalie Delvoye
Sound :
Erik Ménard; Jean-Jacques Quinet; Cosmas Antoniadis; Alain Champelovier; Rafick Affejee
Photography :
Hicham Allaouie; Pierre Gordower; Ronnie Ramirez; Laurent Fenart; Patric Jean; Ella Van den Hove; Michel Dunan

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