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La Vita come viaggio aziendale

Life as a Corporate Holiday
Paolo Muran
2006 Italy 83 minutes Italian
© Pierrot e La Rosa

Silvano Bignozzi and Lino Toselli have been working as salesmen of camomile tea and spirits for 30 years. They are both from Bologna, but travel all over the country to sell their goods. Not without success, because all these years they have always won the deluxe vacation the company bestows on its best salesmen. With the firm footing the bill, they have travelled to various remote corners of the globe: they went on a safari in Kenya, rode camels in Saudi Arabia and visited temples in Asia. This year, they are going to Cuba…

Production :
Pierrot e La Rosa; Stefilm
Editing :
Ermanno Cavazzoni; Paolo Muran; Gianni Celati
Sound :
Milco Fabbri; Federico Crosara; Guglielmo Rossi
Photography :
Milco Fabbri