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Last to Know

Bonnie Friedman
1982 United States 30 minutes English

Nearly one half of the estimated ten million alcoholics in the country are women, yet their special problems are totally ignored. Concealed by families, protected by friends and physicians, these women are kept invisible. They themselves are often The Last to Know. This film speaks directly to these women by sensitively focusing on four intimate stories and shows how the medical community, the media and the values of society at large actually perpetuate alcoholism and prescription drug abuse in women.

Bonnie Friedman

Diplôme de sociologie à l’Université de Wisconsin.

Fonde Pandora Films en 1971 avec deux autres femmes.

A travaillé depuis sur plus de 100 films comme opératrice de prise de vue.

A réalisé :

The Flashettes,

Chris and Bernie,

How about you ?,

Childcare : people’s liberation,

et une série de films sur la sexualité féminine.

Production :
Pandora Film
Distribution :
New Day Films
Editing :
Julie Sloane; Lora Hays
Sound :
Chat Gunter
Photography :
Bonnie Friedman; Nancy Schreiber

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