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Le Dictionnaire selon Marcus

Mary Jimenez
2009 Belgium 78 minutes French

“Receiving”, “Theft”, “Harbouring criminals”… at first glance, Marcus’ dictionary resembles the penal code. But these words belong to the law and they are at odds with Marcus and cloud who he really is. They are not his own words, the words he loves, those in his dictionary that he learns by heart in anticipation of his next incarceration. “Suffering”, “Solidarity”, “Freedom”, “Trust”. Marcus has one weakness-he cannot stop rushing to help prisoners on the run, delinquents in a tight spot. It’s a matter of ethics, respect. Whereas society stigmatises crime, Marcus sees nothing but suffering. One word only is not found in his dictionary, a word too vast to be contained there: “Esca-pe”. (Yann Lardeau)

Mary Jimenez

Mary Jimenez, après avoir étudié l’architecture à Lima et la réalisation à l’I.N.S.A.S en Belgique, a elle-même enseigné la réalisation à l’I.N.S.A.S, puis en Suisse et à Cuba. Elle est la réalisatrice de films de fiction et de documentaires dont le dernier était La Position du lion couché en 2006.
“Du verbe aimer”
“Loco Lucho”
“La position du lion couché”

Production :
Editing :
Mary Jimenez
Photography :
Mary Jimenez
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