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Le Goût du toro

Jean-Pierre Vedel
1994 France 28 minutes French

“They number twenty five, they are French and they rear fighting bulls in the Camargue. This micro-society, permeated with Camargue and provincial traditions, lives cut off from the world. It seems like some sort of rural aristocracy: though their names are not those of traditional nobility, they are, nonetheless, of note. The film recalls past events against a background of unrealised archives, it also shows the complex reality of the present day. Who are these men empassioned by their liking for bulls? What do the bulls of their dreams look like, these black masses crashing into each other in the fields? Dreams of peasants, of toreros, of businessmen, far from the noisy crowds, in the Camargue, they secretly prepare for “the big day” in Madrid or elsewhere.” (Jean-Pierre Vedel)

Production :
Groupe Gramma; France 3 Sud; Ellipse
Editing :
Bruno Gaultier
Sound :
Olivier Chaub
Photography :
Roland Querry

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