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Le Lauf der Dinge

Way Things Go
Le Cours des choses
David Weiss
Peter Fischli
1987 Switzerland 30 minutes no words
© 2001 T&C Film AG, Zurich
© 2001 T&C Film AG, Zurich
© 2001 T&C Film AG, Zurich

Inside a warehouse, a precarious 70-100 feet long structure has been constructed using various items. When this is set in motion, a chain reaction ensues. Fire, water, law of gravity as well as chemistry determine the life-cycle of objects – of things. It brings about a story concerning cause and effect, mechanism and art, improbability and precision.

Production :
T&C Film SA
Distribution :
Willi Kluth
Editing :
Mirjam Krakenberger
Sound :
Dieter Lengacher
Photography :
Pio Corradi

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