Le Pays où vivait la terre
94 minutes
A remote village in Maramures, an isolated region of Romania. People getting ready for another Christmas, as they always have done, in a “traditional” way. The Filip family, dreaming of the European Community, mechanised farming and modern life. A man, Nicolae, considered mad by the villagers, but who is perhaps the wisest of them all’ A world caught between two ages, where the elderly are treated as ghosts, where death is probably not the worst of all evils, where time is still holding its breath.” (Vincent Froehly)
Production :
TV 10 Angers; Atlantic Télévision; Leo et Compagnie
TV 10 Angers; Atlantic Télévision; Leo et Compagnie
Editing :
Valérie Salvy
Valérie Salvy
Sound :
Gontran Froehly
Gontran Froehly
Photography :
Vincent Froehly
Vincent Froehly