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Lecture expérimentale : Noir inconnu

Sylvain George
N/A- 90 minutes

NOIR INCONNU is an experimental reading with actress Valérie Dréville and musicians Mohamed Camara (rap, beat-box), and Serge Teyssot-Gay (guitar, knives…), based on poetic texts and images by the filmmaker Sylvain George, who also created the spatial installation. The first part of this reading, LA VITA BRUTA, comprises prose from Notes (brèves) de l’Égaré, the poetic fragments Poèmes de l’Égaré, and moving images; the second part, DEPLACEMENT, RENVERSEMENT comprises moving images with music by Serge Teyssot-Gay and preceded by the reading of a text by Henri Michaux. These different elements enter into collision and open up a new space for the images, “migrant” images, multiple and in flight, which have us see a scorching blackness, life in the raw, the living conditions and situations of migrant people, in Calais, and elsewhere.

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