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Les Amis

Patrick Mimouni
1986 France 50 minutes French

“In december 1984, I came back to Paris after several months absence, and met my friends again. This film is both the story of this reunion and the study of a small group of people. My idea was above all to find out how friendship, love and sex could take place and be spoken of between us, by risking – challenging even – a certain shamelessness.”

Patrick Mimouni

Né en 1954 à Constantine. A suivi les cours de l’IDHEC de 1979 à 1982.

A réalisé :

– La folie de Nicolas Forbes, 1983 – Bertrand disparu, (fiction), 1986 – L’Inattendue (fiction), 1987 – Le Traité du hasard, 1998 – Quand je serai star, 2004

Production :
Films du Labyrinthe
Sound :
François Waledisch; Pierre Tucas
Photography :
Annie-France Mistral; Aissa Djabri

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