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Les Mains pleines de dents

Hands Full of Teeth
Pierre-Yves Ferrandis
2005 France 25 minutes French

Jean-Pierre is on his break at the Annecy Centre d’Adaptation par le Travail (CAT), a day centre where handicapped adults are put to repetitive, unstimulating work. He kindly welcomes sympathetic visitors to the CAT’s Christmas stand. Heavily built, yet delicate, silent and gently serious, he transforms his desires and fantasies into colours and forceful figures. He shows his mother the painting in which mouths and hands full of teeth open wide. He rides aimlessly around the countryside on his scooter. From time to time, he remains motionless on the bridge spanning the motorway, his eyes lost in the distance. He sees another place, other things.

Pierre-Yves Ferrandis

Pierre-Yves Ferrandis est cinéaste, auteur et metteur en scène de théâtre. Il travaille comme machiniste à l’Opéra de Lyon. Il a réalisé :

Papivor, court métrage, 1994

Internet Human, court métrage, 1996

Des clowns à répétition, doc., 2004

Production :
Cinédoc Films
Distribution :
Cinédoc Films
Editing :
Anita Perez
Sound :
Serge Vincent
Photography :
Pierre-Yves Ferrandis

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