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Lesser Humans

Stalin K.
1997 India 59 minutes Gujarati

In the isolated villages of Gujarat, the untouchable Bhangis are doomed by the caste system to carry out the most loathesome of tasks. They thus continue to clean latrines by hand for a pittance of a salary. Although the legislation prohibiting this practice is regularly reinforced, the situation remains the same, giving rise to totally inhumane living conditions, especially for the women. Fifty years after Independence and the introduction of democracy in India, the Bhangi community is still considered to be impure and suffers from intolerable economic and social exclusion. Its members can find no other kind of work and, more often than not, their children are refused from school. Although the authorities have been making some effort, it is likely that, at the present rhythm of change, no substantial improvement in line with the « national rehabilitation programme » will be obtained before another thirty years. The problem is all the more serious as, contrary to all expectations, technological progress is only creating greater oppression for the Bhangis.

Stalin K.

Après avoir étudié la Communication à l’université de Gujarat, il co-fonde sa maison de production, le Drishti Media Collective, et réalise, toujours dans une perspective de défense des droits de l’homme, de nombreux documentaires dont : Why did Kalie die ?, 1992; Jungle Amaru Tantra Tamaru, 1994; Triumph over time, 1995; The self in self-rule, 1996 ; Gujarat, a Work in Progress, 2002

Production :
Drishti Media Collective
Distribution :
Drishti Media Collective
Editing :
Sound :
Ramesh Desai
Photography :
Ravji Sondarva

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