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Let iznad Bosne

Nedim Loncarevic
1992 Bosnia 30 minutes bosniac

The city of Sarajevo is one of the few places in the world where you can take in several places of worship at a glance : the cathedral, the synagogue, the mosque, the Orthodox church… Sarajevo has always been a place of contact between different cultures and civilizations (…) In Bosnia-Hercegovina which has been autonomous since the Middle Ages, the Serbian Democratic Party undertook war in order to rule over 70% of the territory. They try to achieve their goal with the help of the army of Serbia, the neighbouring state. Many images from Bosnia-Hercegovina respect the Eurovision standards. Horror being intolerable, they cannot be shown to the rest of the world (…) Who knows what kind of images of the war these two Sarajevo retired people were watching when a bomb hit their apartment? (…) CNN broadcasted only the sound of the massacre that occured in Vaso Miskin street, in the heart of Sarajevo, because sound is the only “horror” that an ordinary viewer can bear. (…) Everybody knows that 130, 000 prisoners are held behind barbed wires in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Is it enough to bring them an humanitarian aid so that they can die without being starved any longer? (Nedim Djuheric, Nedim Loncarevic).

Production :
Télévision de Bosnie-Herzegovine
Editing :
Zijo Mehic
Photography :
Sulejman Kolokoci